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ShortCut™ Resource Center

ShortCut™ Reimbursement Brochure

Reimbursement guide providing an overview of the coding, coverage and payment landscape for the ShortCut device

ShortCut™ Instructions For Use

ShortCut Instructions for use

ShortCut™ Product Animation

ShortCut Leaflet Modification animation - see how coronary obstruction is mitigated during ViV-TAVR with the ShortCut device

ShortCut™ Product Brochure

ShortCut Leaflet Modification product brochure with details on the device features & benefits and highlights of the clinical study results

ShortCut™ Spec Sheet

ShortCut Leaflet Modification specification sheet for a quick guide on the key device measurements

ShortCut™ Patient Brochure

ShortCut guide for their patients and their families regarding the device and procedure

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