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Privacy Policy 

Pi-Cardia Ltd. ("Company") respects your privacy. This policy explains Company’s privacy practices for users of this site. It describes the ways Company collects and uses your personal information and the rights and options available to you with respect to your information.


1. What personal information do you have to provide Company?


In connection with your use of this site, you may be requested to provide additional information, such as (but not limited to) your name, your email address and your phone number. You may choose not to provide certain information, but then you might not be able to use certain portions of the site.


2. What does Company do with your personally identifiable information?


Company may use personally identifiable information for the following purposes:

  • to contact you as and when Company believes it to be necessary;

  • to comply with any applicable law and assist law enforcement agencies as required;

  • in any case where Company believes that the use of the information is necessary to prevent imminent physical harm or damage to property or body;

  • to take any action in any case of dispute, or legal proceeding of any kind between you and Company, or between you and other users or third parties with respect to, or in relation with the site


​3. Important notice about children's privacy


If you are under the age of 18 then you may use the site only with the involvement of a parent or guardian and must not provide any of your personal details.

Company strongly encourages parents to monitor their children's use of the Web. Company will delete a child’s personally identifiable information if a parent so requests by sending an e-mail to If Company learns that a child under the age of 18 years has provided personally identifiable information to Company without verifiable parental consent, Company will use commercially reasonable efforts to delete such information from Company’s databases.


4. How does Company Share your personally identifiable information with others?


Company does not sell, rent or lease your personally identifiable information to third parties. Company may share personally identifiable information with others in any of the following instances, or subject to your explicit consent:

  • To contact you. For example, Company may use a third party's mailing platform to send you messages and updates from time to time;

  • If Company believes that you have performed any act or omission that Company believes to be violating any applicable law, rules, or regulations. Company may share your information with law enforcement agencies and other competent authorities as well as with other third parties, as may be required;

  • if Company is required, or believes that it is required by law to share or disclose your information;

  • in any case where Company believes that sharing information is necessary to prevent imminent physical harm or damage to property or body;

  • Company may also share personally identifiable information with companies or organizations connected, or affiliated with Company, such as subsidiaries, sister-companies and parent companies; and/or

  • in case of a merger, acquisition or any other structural change involving the Company, the Company may be required to transfer your personal information to another entity, as part of such structural change, provided that the receiving entity will comply with this policy.


5. How does Company use aggregated information?


Company may also use anonymous, statistical or aggregated information to improve the quality and functionality of the site, to enhance your experience, to create new content, including customized content, to change or cancel existing content and for other internal and statistical purposes.

Company may share, publish, post, disseminate, transmit or otherwise communicate or make available such information, to suppliers, business partners, sponsors, affiliates and any other third party, at Company’s sole discretion, provided however, that Company will not knowingly, or intentionally use the information to reveal your identity without your consent.


6. What opt-out and deletion options are available to you?


At any time you may opt out of Company’s mailing lists, by sending Company a removal request to: It may take up to ten (10) business days for your opt-out request to take effect.

If you wish to delete your personally identifiable information that is stored in Company’s database, you may send a request to delete information to: Company will inform you whether it can accept your request. In any case, Company may keep any aggregated or anonymized information for statistical, marketing and other purposes, indefinitely.


7. How does Company secure your personal Information?


Company implements information security systems and procedures to secure your personal information. While such systems and procedures reduce the risk of security breaches, they do not provide absolute security. Therefore, Company cannot guarantee that the site will be immune from any wrongdoings, malfunctions, unlawful interceptions or unauthorized access to the information stored therein and to other information security risks.

We restrict access to personal information you provided Company to our employees, contractors, vendors and agents who need to know that information for the purposes described in this policy. These individuals are obligated to keep your personal information confidential and they may be subject to penalties, termination of relations and criminal prosecution, if they fail to comply with such obligations.


8. How does Company use cookies?


Company may use cookies when operating the site. Cookies are packets of information sent by Company servers to your web browser and then sent back by the browser. Company may use cookies for various purposes, for example, to collect information for statistical and analytical purposes, to verify information, to customize the site to your personal preferences and for information security purposes.

Some of the cookies may expire when the session ends and you exit your browser. Other cookies may be stored on your computer’s hard drive. If you wish to block the cookies, then please use the help button in your browser and follow the necessary instructions. However, bear in mind that disabling cookies may complicate or even prevent your use of certain features of the site.


9. Where is my personal information processed?


Company stores and processes the information through a third party's hosting services which maintains servers all over the world, including Europe, the State of Israel and the USA. If you are in the European Economic Area, or in any other jurisdiction that regulates the transfer of personal information outside that jurisdiction, then you hereby grant Company your explicit and unambiguous consent to transfer your personal information to the State of Israel and/or to the USA, for the purposes described in this policy.


10. Enforcement


Company is doing its utmost to comply with this policy. If you have any questions, concerns or complaints regarding this policy and the enforcement thereof, please refer them to: After receiving your complaint, Company may contact you to better understand your concerns and will make all efforts to promptly answer your question, or resolve your complaint to your full satisfaction.


11. Changes to this Privacy Policy


Company may change and update the terms of this policy from time to time. All substantial changes that Company makes to this policy will be notified on the Website and take effect thirty (30) days following their initial posting. Other changes will take effect seven (7) days after their initial posting on the Website, unless Company amends the policy to comply with legal requirements. In the latter cases the amendments will become effective as required, or ordered.


Last Updated: May 1, 2019

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